The Executive Committee wants to thank, with GREAT FANFARE, all those members of both GC and our community for their unprecedented response to our call for support during the Centre Foundation’s May 8-9 “Centre Gives” campaign.
Your generosity created an 80.22% increase in the average per-capita donation over 2023 ($66.45 versus $36.88) which drove an unprecedented 65.20% rise in total direct contributions ($1,462.00 versus $885.00). Once the Centre Foundation’s greatly appreciated allocation of the Hamer Foundation’s “Stretch Funds” is added in, Global Connections received a record-breaking total gift of $1,858.98!
Yeah, we know the numbers themselves are not jaw-dropping, but you must remember that our relatively small operating budget oscillates between $5,500 and $7,500 per year and that Global Connections is an all-volunteer undertaking. So, this gift accounts for between 25% and 33% of our budget.
This will make a HUGE difference in our scope of operations, especially in our ability to fund scholarships for immigrants and refugees through our newly created English Language Literacy Program. It also means that our reach toward and presence in our service area are both expanding. We must be doing something right, huh?
So, please, keep talking us up with your friends, family, and colleagues. And, above all else, find the nearest mirror and give yourself a huge “THANK YOU” from all of us!!!