December Regularly Scheduled Meeting; December 11, 2019

  1. Call to Order and Welcome

Committee meetings were conducted for 35 minutes. Following a 39 minute presentation and Q&A session by Yordanka Castillo, a Cuban law student, the regular meeting of Global Connections was called to order at 7:44pm by Melanie Miller Foster, President. A quorum was noted as present with 19 members and 2 guests in attendance. Secretary, Sarah Knorr, was present and recorded meeting minutes. A door prize was awarded to a present member after a random ticket drawing.

  1. Reading and Approval of Minutes

The November Minutes as presented to the membership in writing were approved with no corrections and are to be filed for audit.

  1. Reports of Officers and Standing Committees

Officer Reports were provided:

  • President Miller Foster: oral report, provided detail and structure of upcoming, January and February meetings
  • Vice President Persiko: no report
  • Secretary Knorr: no report
  • Treasurer Truitt: oral report, notified the membership of completion of Global Connection’s 501(c)(3) registration; read financial statement, details of which may be found online; proposed removing Centre Foundation funds from operating account budget
  • Public Relations Officer UB Bakker: not present at meeting
  • Past President Steinberg: no report

Standing Committees:

  • Membership Committee Chair D. Foster: oral report, announced current membership at 52 paid members with a goal of 75 paid members by February 2020. He encouraged members to spread information about Global Connections and announced an exploration of an expected 2020 operating budget of $2,000: $400 allocated for nametags, $400 door prizes, $200 for printing and publicity, and $1,000 for special events (the details of which are TBD). He ended by asking those present to think of local organizations to invite to meetings. Written report provided. 
  • Finance Committee Chair B. Truitt: oral report, announced committee will be pursuing a sales tax exemption for the organization; the committee will approach local banks and immigration law firms to be donors to the organization; the committee will seek up to $1,000 from the Awesome Foundation; and will explore enhancing operating and return funds. Two purchases ($30.70 and $320.67) for the Book Club were voted on and ratified.
  • Cultural Luncheon Committee Chair S. Kamerow: oral report, announced upcoming Cultural Luncheon: January 15, 2020 theme is Mesopotamia; requested up to $500 for January luncheon operations, request was motioned and approved unanimously; announced an expected 2020 operating budget of $2,000 ($500/cultural luncheon at 4 per year).
  • Activities Committee Chair B. Persiko: oral report, announced an International Poetry Night on February 10 at 7:00pm at Webster’s; up to $100 was motioned and majority approved for refreshments expenditures for poetry event; member proposed to explore International Arts & Crafts workshop for potential 2020 event; committee will be exploring hosting international students for meals during holidays and non-holidays. Written report provided.
  • Book Groups Sub Committee Chair S. Steinberg: oral report, announced request of up to $200 for book purchases for use prior to February 2020, the motion passed with majority vote; announced anticipated 2020 operating budget of $1,000; announced all books purchased will be retained by Global Connections for use in future book groups. 
  1. Reports of Special Committees 

No Special Committee reports. 

  1. Special Orders

No Special Orders reports.

  1. Unfinished Business and General Orders 

Vice President and Activities Committee Chair, B. Persiko, provided oral report detailing follow up of T-shirt project. Up to $1,000 was requested to procure t-shirts in time for February event (International Poetry Night). Motion was passed to spend up to $1,000 on t-shirt with an expected retail price of $20 per shirt.

  1. New Business
  • The AAWU requested Global Connections sponsor two international Humphrey Fellows to attend their annual luncheon. A motion for $44 was proposed and passed unanimously to sponsor both Fellows. 
  1. Announcements
  • The next meeting is on January 8, 2020 and is expected to be a work session for Committees
  1. Adjournment
  • The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.