Committee Meeting; June 8, 2021 7:06pm – 8:02pm

In attendance:

  • President: Bob Persiko
  • Vice president: Kieran Holland
  • Past President: Melanie Miller Foster
  • Membership Committee Chair: Daniel Foster
  • Public Relations: Lauren Newton
  • Shannon Holliday
  • Wenjie Fu


  • This meeting was held via virtual method (Zoom) due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic Topics of Discussion


1) Minutes of May meeting – action items

  1. a) May meeting minutes were approved
  2. b) Action items from May meeting were reviewed – (1) nothing new to report on collaboration with Asian student organizations; (2) Bruce and Daniel still need to resolve conflicting membership information.

2) President’s report

  1. a) Discussed picnic on June 12 – Designed for participants in the various GC groups, but others are welcome.
  2. b) Discussed summer schedule. EC will not meet in July. The English class and the discussion group also will not meet in July.

3) Global Programs – Wenjie

  1. a) Annual Tax Workshop wrapped up. It was virtual this year. 173 students from 31 countries.
  2. b) Conversation Partners – Looking for international participants to match with Americans.

4) Membership Committee – Daniel

  1. a) Global Connections currently has 67 individual members
  2. b) Membership Committee has not met in two months due to a lack of quorum. Hoping to have a June meeting to prep for August.

5) Treasurer/Finance Committee – Bruce (not present)

  1. A motion was made to continue utilizing the 2020 budget until September 15, 2021 by Daniel Foster. Unanimous approval. The finance committee can focus on proposing a budget for 2022.
  2. Treasurer to consider forming an ad hoc audit committee before the next general membership meeting.

6) Vice President – Kieran nothing to report

7) Public relations, website and social media – Lauren

Requesting newsletter information be sent to her by Friday


Unfinished business:

1)Update on the airport sign – Melanie

The airport sign has been designed. Susan is working on logistics on when it will go up.

2) Kieran made a motion that the finance committee explore applying to receive funds in 2022 from the  Centre Gives campaign. The motion was approved by a majority of the members present. Bruce to follow up.


New business:

None to report



  • Daniel noted the need to secure nominations for officer positions before November.
  • Daniel and Melanie expressed concern about the need to more actively engage the membership in committee work and program activities.
  • Daniel will propose a schedule to present the changes in the bylaws to the membership.

Adjournment: 8:02pm