October Executive Committee Meeting; October 12, 2021

  1. Call to Order and Welcome

The committee meeting of Global Connections Executive Committee was called to order at 7:04pm by President Bob Persiko. Secretary Sarah Knorr recorded minutes.

  • Members present:
    Melanie Miller Foster–Past President, President Bob Persiko–President, Daniel Foster–Membership Committee Chair, Sarah Knorr–Secretary, Sabrina Lima–Public Relations, Wenjie Fu–Global Connections Representative, Shannon Holliday–Cultural Luncheon Chair
  • Members Absent:
    Bruce Truitt–Treasurer, Kieran Holland–Vice President
  1. Reading and Approval of Minutes

The minutes were accepted as presented with no corrections.

  1. Reports of Officers
    1. President:
  1. No report
    1. Vice President:
  1. Not present
    1. Secretary:
  1. Adding Executive Committee (EC) meeting minutes to website
    1. Will be posted on Wild Apricot for members to view
    1. Treasurer:
  1. Not present
    1. Public Relations:
  1. Ongoing development and creation of Global Connections social media presence
    1. Past President:
  1. Nominating Committee update on November elections
    1. PSU Global Programs: Bob communicated updates from Wenjie
  1. Global Programs has been renamed as Penn State Global
  2. Annual Tax workshop to be held in March/April 2022
    1. Parliamentarian
  1. November General Membership meeting to approve revisions to bylaws


  1. Reports of Standing Committees:
    1. Cultural Luncheons Committee (Chair: Shannon):
  1. Discussed Global Connections role with relation to SCASD AAPI organization


    1. Finance/Audit Committee (Chair: Bruce)
  1. Not present


    1. Membership Committee (Chair: Daniel)
  1. Currently have 90 dues paying members


    1. Nominating Committee (Chair: Melanie)
  1. Nominating Committee to receive potential candidates for open Global Connections Executive Committee positions
  2. Officer positions available: President, Vice President, Secretary, Public Relations


    1. Program of Activities Committee (Chair: Kieran)
  1. Not present


  1. Unfinished Business
  1. N/A


  1. New Business:
    1. Open call for Conversation for Revenue Generation and Member Engagement
    2. Open call for Conversations on Communications Planning/Marketing
    3. Elections ballot to be mailed out 2 weeks before November 30th General Membership Meeting


  1. Adjournment
  • The meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm