September 14, 2021: Executive Committee Meeting
September Executive Committee Meeting; September 14, 2021
- Call to Order and Welcome
The committee meeting of Global Connections Executive Committee was called to order at 7:06pm by President Bob Persiko. A quorum was noted as present with 5 members in attendance. Secretary Sarah Knorr recorded minutes.
- Members present:
Melanie Miller Foster–Past President, Kieran Holland–Vice President , President Bob Persiko–President, Daniel Foster–Membership Committee Chair, Sarah Knorr–Secretary, Sabrina Lima–Public Relations, Wenjie Fu–Global Connections Representative
- Members Absent:
Bruce Truitt–Treasurer, Shannon Holliday–Cultural Luncheon Chair
- Reading and Approval of Minutes
The minutes were accepted as presented with no corrections.
- Reports of Officers
- President:
- Meeting with Executive Committee members on monthly basis
- 50 Global Connections t-shirts sold at Webster’s to date
- Vice President:
- Nothing to report: meeting with Bob once a month
- Secretary:
- Adding Executive Committee (EC) meeting minutes to website
- Will be posted on Wild Apricot for members to view
- Treasurer:
- Not present
- Public Relations:
- No report
- Past President:
- Provided update on the Past President’s legacy project: Airport Sign
- PSU Global Programs: Bob communicated updates from Wenjie
- Conversation Partners looking for American volunteers
- Bob to forward information to me
- Parliamentarian
- Officer elections will be in November
- Membership will be notified of changes/additions related to: amendments, nominating committee, bylaws
- Reports of Standing Committees:
- Cultural Luncheons Committee (Chair: Shannon):
- Not present
- Finance/Audit Committee (Chair: Bruce)
- Not present
- Membership Committee (Chair: Daniel)
- Membership Committee is meeting on monthly basis
- LionBASH event review
- 32 people were invited to join Global Connections
- Currently have 70 due paying members
- Nominating Committee (Chair: Melanie)
- President appointed 2 additional members to be on Nominating Committee
- Members interested in running for Officer positions will be able to sign up in September newsletter; October newsletter to include Ballot
- Officer positions available: President, Vice President, Secretary, Public Relations
- Program of Activities Committee (Chair: Kieran)
- Possible future Global Connections events:
- Art event at the Makery
- International Poetry Evening
- Digital Education series
- Hospitality Idea-match local community to host and international residents
- Eating at local restaurants
- To be included as a Call to Action in newsletter
- Digital Education Subcommittee – Melanie
- Currently on hold
- Will be added to Program of Activities general committee
- Unfinished Business
- Picnic activities and planning
- New Business: **Following are postponed for October meeting**
- Conversation for Revenue Generation and Member Engagement
- Postponed to next regularly scheduled meeting.
- Conversations on Communications Planning
- Request for “Push List” and Marketing Communications Plan
- Postponed to next regularly scheduled meeting
- Adjournment
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:57m
Requested Action Items-continued from August newsletter:
- Review website for updates (ex. Officers list) [Bob]
- Create a memorial for newsletter on U.B. Baker [Bob]
- Register Global Connections for an Engagement Station with Lion Bash [Shannon]
- Reach out to Membership Committee for Lion Bash Plan [Daniel]
- Three goals: Engaging Activity, take-away (Post Cards), Membership Sign Up
- Create a Treasurers Report for the next Newsletter [Bruce]
- Share Press release developed for new sign at University Park Airport [Bruce]
- Create an “RSVP” process via Wild Apricot for Membership Picnic and include in Newsletter [Lauren]
- Seek out Cultural Luncheon Members (N=20) to assist with serving picnic as well as different volunteers to help with set up and finally clean up. [Shannon]
- Seek out Program of Activities volunteers to ensure that there are games/activities at Membership [Kieran]
- Seek out Membership Committee Volunteers to have name tags and membership sign up [Daniel]
- Create language of invitation to Membership Picnic for Newsletter to Lauren [Bob]