March 9, 2021: Executive Committee Meeting
March Executive Committee Meeting; March 9th 7:01-8:12pm
In attendance:
- President: Bob Persiko
- Treasurer: Bruce Truitt
- Past President: Melanie Miller Foster
- Membership Committee Chair: Daniel Foster
- Secretary: Sarah Knorr
- Cultural Luncheon: Shannon Holiday
- This meeting was held via virtual method (Zoom) due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic
Topics of Discussion
- Minutes of January meeting – action items
- Executive Committee members approved February minutes with change listed above
- President’s report
- Global Programs – Jennifer (if present)
- i) Jennifer will be moving on to another position at Penn State; Wenjie Fu will be new point of contact for Global Programs Office ([email protected])
- Global Programs – Jennifer (if present)
- Membership Committee – Daniel verbal report
- Membership committee meeting on third Thursday of every month
- Goals set during committee meeting include: membership retention, recruitment, target population, and refining membership joining process
- Treasurer/Finance Committee – Bruce verbal report
- Standardization of passwords
- Clean up list of passwords associated with accounts
- Find secure location to store password document
- ROI on account at First Commonwealth
- Suggestion made to either split funds into higher yield with Commonwealth CD vs interest bearing account, or consider looking at broker account
- Finance committee to come up with proposal for account switching
- Program Activities – Kieran, et al. not present
- Public relations, website and social media – Lauren not present
- Unfinished business:
- Budget for 2021
- i) Bruce will compile questions and comments of responses and will be sending out list via email
- Update on airport sign – Melanie verbal report
- i) Susan and Melanie are working on airport sign; considering languages to feature on sign; will be working with graphic designer to design boh a static and digital display
- Committee restructuring and bylaws changes – Daniel verbal report
- i) Motion to postpone discussion on restructuring and reorganizing to next schedule Executive Committee meeting
- ii) No objections, motion passed
- Budget for 2021
- New business:
- Digital Education programming update – Melanie verbal report
- i) Occurs on the third Monday of every month; provides information to international community; encourages person invitation for international community members to events
- WPSU digital series World Kitchen – Bruce verbal report
- i) A Global Connections member requesting Global Connections to promote ongoing WPSU digital series, World Kitchen
- ii) World Kitchen: Learn to make dishes from around the world while hearing from guest chefs about the cultures, history, and traditions each dish represents. WPSU’s new digital series, World Kitchen, is a free interactive cooking class presented on Zoom so that you can follow along to create the recipe with each guest chef.
- Digital Education programming update – Melanie verbal report
- iii)
- Miscellaneous
Action Items
- Bob to find contact information for Humphrey Fellow’s program coordinator
- Bruce and Sarah to go through password list to clean up unused accounts
- Bruce to risk assess accounts
- Sarah to email George re: securing password account
- Finance Committee to draft proposal re: switching bank accounts
- Lauren/Sarah to add Global Connections pitch to Google Drive
- Continue to brainstorm ideas for how to celebrate Global Connections 60th anniversary, May is the month of anniversary; Shannon suggests WPSU radio announcement, newspaper announcement, and proclamation from Mayor/Borough council recognition
- Bruce to compile list re: Budget and distribute to members
Adjournment 8:12pm