September 8, 2020: Executive Committee Meeting
September Executive Committee Meeting; September 8, 2020, 5:00-6:00pm
In attendance:
- President: Melanie Miller-Foster
- Vice President: Bob Persiko
- Treasurer: Bruce Truitt
- Membership Committee Chair: Daniel Foster
- PR Officer: UB Bakker
- Secretary: Sarah Knorr
- Book Group Chair: Susan Steinberg
- Cultural Luncheon Committee Chair: Shannon Holliday
- This meeting was held via virtual method (Zoom) due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic
Topics of Discussion
Agenda Items:
- Online membership and application process
- Bruce sent email detailing options for online payment
- What do we want/need from the electronic collection software?
- Admin tasks: processing membership fees, processing donations, processing payments, fundraising (additionally: ticket sales for cultural luncheons)
- What platform will the membership base feel comfortable with?
- Preference for automatic user input for database dump capabilities
- Daniel: Membership Drive in October
- Goal to renew members
- Need ability to reach out and collect fees/donations digitally
- PayPal vs Quikbooks: Bruce and Daniel decide on online system for membership drive in October
- Credit cards and online payments may suffice for right now
- Review new member onboarding procedure
- How are we orientating them to our organization?
- Daniel to draft standing rules for membership onboarding procedure
- Forward new members to UB or other members to welcome
- Book group budget and book policy
- Book choices average $10/book (including shipping)
- May be short on budget this year
- Susan requesting no more than additional $500 until end of year
- Bruce motioned
- Bruce requesting numbers to consideration
- Motioned to postpone this decision to next EC meeting to October meeting
- To discuss policy at another time and change budget for next year
- Motion made to allocated additional $500 until end of year
- No objections to tabling until October EC meeting
- Officer elections
- Elections in November
- Process can be found in bylaws
- Daniel: proposes to create ballot
- Send out open call to membership list for President, PR, and VP positions in separate email
- Welcome to our new Cultural Luncheon co-chairs!
- Shannon Holliday and Tony
- No in-person luncheon planned due to Covid pandemic
Other items:
- Global Conversation Events
- Bob: Encourages members to promote event
- Encourage use of Facebook (personal and GC page) to share events and increase audience
- Two platforms available: Public can watch via Facebook; GC members via email link
- Standing Rules
- Daniel emailed Standing Rules draft
- Encourages reading and sending edits before October EC meeting