September Executive Committee Meeting; September 14, 2021

  1. Call to Order and Welcome

The committee meeting of Global Connections Executive Committee was called to order at 7:06pm by President Bob Persiko. A quorum was noted as present with 5 members in attendance. Secretary Sarah Knorr recorded minutes.

  • Members present:
    Melanie Miller Foster–Past President, Kieran Holland–Vice President , President Bob Persiko–President, Daniel Foster–Membership Committee Chair, Sarah Knorr–Secretary, Sabrina Lima–Public Relations, Wenjie Fu–Global Connections Representative
  • Members Absent:
    Bruce Truitt–Treasurer, Shannon Holliday–Cultural Luncheon Chair
  1. Reading and Approval of Minutes

The minutes were accepted as presented with no corrections.

  1. Reports of Officers
    1. President:
  1. Meeting with Executive Committee members on monthly basis
  2. 50 Global Connections t-shirts sold at Webster’s to date
    1. Vice President:
  1. Nothing to report: meeting with Bob once a month
    1. Secretary:
  1. Adding Executive Committee (EC) meeting minutes to website
    1. Will be posted on Wild Apricot for members to view
    1. Treasurer:
  1. Not present
    1. Public Relations:
  1. No report
    1. Past President:
  1. Provided update on the Past President’s legacy project: Airport Sign
    1. PSU Global Programs: Bob communicated updates from Wenjie
  1. Conversation Partners looking for American volunteers
  2. Bob to forward information to me
    1. Parliamentarian
  1. Officer elections will be in November
  2. Membership will be notified of changes/additions related to: amendments, nominating committee, bylaws


  1. Reports of Standing Committees:
    1. Cultural Luncheons Committee (Chair: Shannon):
  1. Not present


    1. Finance/Audit Committee (Chair: Bruce)
  1. Not present


    1. Membership Committee (Chair: Daniel)
  1. Membership Committee is meeting on monthly basis
  2. LionBASH event review
    1. 32 people were invited to join Global Connections
  • Currently have 70 due paying members


    1. Nominating Committee (Chair: Melanie)
  1. President appointed 2 additional members to be on Nominating Committee
  2. Members interested in running for Officer positions will be able to sign up in September newsletter; October newsletter to include Ballot
  • Officer positions available: President, Vice President, Secretary, Public Relations


    1. Program of Activities Committee (Chair: Kieran)
  1. Possible future Global Connections events:
    1. Art event at the Makery
    2. International Poetry Evening
    3. Digital Education series
    4. Hospitality Idea-match local community to host and international residents
    5. Eating at local restaurants
      1. To be included as a Call to Action in newsletter
    6. Digital Education Subcommittee – Melanie
      1. Currently on hold
      2. Will be added to Program of Activities general committee


  1. Unfinished Business
  1. Picnic activities and planning


  1. New Business: **Following are postponed for October meeting**
    1. Conversation for Revenue Generation and Member Engagement
  1. Postponed to next regularly scheduled meeting.


    1. Conversations on Communications Planning
  1. Request for “Push List” and Marketing Communications Plan
  2. Postponed to next regularly scheduled meeting


  1. Adjournment
  • The meeting was adjourned at 7:57m

Requested Action Items-continued from August newsletter:

  1. Review website for updates (ex. Officers list) [Bob]
  2. Create a memorial for newsletter on U.B. Baker [Bob]
  3. Register Global Connections for an Engagement Station with Lion Bash [Shannon]
  4. Reach out to Membership Committee for Lion Bash Plan [Daniel]
    1. Three goals: Engaging Activity, take-away (Post Cards), Membership Sign Up
  5. Create a Treasurers Report for the next Newsletter [Bruce]
  6. Share Press release developed for new sign at University Park Airport [Bruce]
  7. Create an “RSVP” process via Wild Apricot for Membership Picnic and include in Newsletter [Lauren]
  8. Seek out Cultural Luncheon Members (N=20) to assist with serving picnic as well as different volunteers to help with set up and finally clean up. [Shannon]
  9. Seek out Program of Activities volunteers to ensure that there are games/activities at Membership [Kieran]
  10. Seek out Membership Committee Volunteers to have name tags and membership sign up [Daniel]
  11. Create language of invitation to Membership Picnic for Newsletter to Lauren [Bob]