February Executive Committee Meeting; February 9th 7:03-8:24pm
In attendance:
- President: Bob Persiko
- Vice President: Kieran Holland
- Treasurer: Bruce Truitt
- PR Officer: Lauren Newton
- Secretary: Sarah Knorr
- Cultural Luncheon: Shannon Holiday
- This meeting was held via virtual method (Zoom) due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic
Topics of Discussion
- Minutes of January meeting – action items
- Change annual report to monthly report
- Members approved January minutes with change listed above
- President’s report
- Outreach activities
- Bob will speak at the TIPS Club, a local networking organization, to exchange tips that affect business on Thursday, February 11th
- Survey of internationals (see summary attached below)
- Plan to implement survey data into Global Connections outreach resources/future community guidelines
- Membership Committee – (Daniel absent)
- Membership committee meeting on February 25th at 7:30pm via Zoom
- UB Bakker elected as co-chair of membership committee
- Purpose of meeting is to brainstorm ideas for what membership committee could do to generate more members; Global Connections currently has 46 registered members
- Plans to have membership committee meeting every month
- Treasurer/Finance Committee – Bruce
- Swiper for Affinipay payments
- Ordered 2 swipers to process transactions remotely
- Global Connections to keep swipers in perpetuity
- Will require download of App from Affinipay website
- Total of $65 to purchase
- Account cleanup: Continuing with clean up: closed out accounts that were associated with past paid employees
- Centre Foundation 2021 distribution
- As of January 6, 2021 account has approx. $41,000
- 2020 distribution check deposited
- There will be another distribution in April: Centre Foundation will communicate when available (total of about $1,558)
- Move to accept 2021 distribution monies and deposit into expense account
- Motion approved
- Budget planning process
- Proposes using budget document from last year as budget for current year; plan to distribute to members for input for changes/approval
- Program Activities – Kieran, et al.
- Met with Past President Melanie Miller Foster and collaborated on holding events virtually
- Proposes idea of a “take away” Cultural Luncheon event
- Plans to host Program of Activities member meeting: members to receive email last week of February to meet virtually with goal to brainstorm feasible events in light of pandemic
- Public relations, website and social media – Lauren
- Global conversations promotion
- Collaborated with Susan: encouraging book club leaders to promote Global Conversations events in groups
- There were 32 attendees at previous Global Conversations event
- Global conversations promotion
- Other ideas to promote Global Connections: promote upcoming Global Conversations event at Global Connections events (date at least); survey how people found out about event to check outreach strategies; promote events in other activities (ESL Classes, discussion groups)
- Newsletter: using Wild Apricot email feature, establish timeline of newsletter publication: deadline one week after Executive Committee meeting have info sent to Lauren for newsletter (due by next Tuesday February 16th)
- Unfinished business:
- Budget for 2021
- Susan requesting Global Connections to budget $2,500 for annual book group to purchase books
- Executive Committee proposing book group members join Global Connections if organization agrees to sponsor booksBook groups request
- Executive Committee to approve book group budget item of $2,500 for book groups to purchase books with attached condition that all book group members must be Global Connections members; Global Connections will not pay for memberships
- Motion for Global Connections to budget $2,500 to book groups; books provided will only be provided to members; book club members must be Global Connections members
- Motion passed
- Application for airport sign funding through 3 Dots Downtown Awesome Grant was approved & funded
- Currently in design phase, the welcome sign will feature different languages and will be placed in the University Park airport to greet visitors in multiple languages
- Will design be presented to Global Connections?
- New business:
- 2021 is the 60th anniversary of the founding of Global Connections
- Think about how to advertise and present ideas at next meeting on how to celebrate this!
- Proposed changes to the bylaws (Daniel) – Postpone until March
- Shannon discussed the Community Diversity group Cultural Corners Bridge program and asked to include Global Connections events on the Community Diversity group listserv and vice versa; requesting Global Connections sponsor two Penn State Humphrey Fellow students at luncheon on February 25, 2021
- Bruce will divert money ($22/person total $44) from expenditures budget: Sponsorship budget to sponsor 2 students
- Miscellaneous
Action Items
- Bob and Lauren will collaborate on an outreach statement
- Bob will add survey on Global conversation on how viewers found out Global Conversations event
- Plan to create press release for advertisement of GC 60th anniversary (newspaper article, etc?)
Summary of problems and concerns expressed by international residents surveyed
Renting an apartment or house – extras such as electricity; leasing terms (start/end dates)
Opening a bank account, applying for a credit card
Social contact – how to meet Americans (exacerbated by the pandemic, inability to work for spouses)
Communication – fear of making English mistakes; how to find an English class
Medical care system – insurance, in-network providers, copays, etc.
Lack of transportation – without a car
Need for identification card other than passport
Help finding a school for one’s children; children not knowing English, adjusting to US educational system
Resources – especially for spouses