August Executive Committee Meeting; August 10, 2021

  1. Call to Order and Welcome

The committee meeting of Global Connections Executive Committee was called to order at 7:04pm by President Bob Persiko. A quorum was noted as present with 5 members in attendance. The President appointed Daniel Foster to keep minutes in the absence of Secretary Sarah Knorr.

  • Members present:
    Past President- Melanie Miller Foster, Treasurer – Bruce Truitt, Cultural Luncheon Chair – Shannon Holliday, President Bob Persiko, Membership Chair – Daniel


  • Members Absent:
    Lauren Newton (Public Relations), Kieran Holland, (Vice President) Sarah Knorr (Secretary), Wenjie Fu (Global Connections Rep)


  1. Reading and Approval of Minutes

The minutes were accepted as presented with no corrections.

  1. Reports of Officers
    1. President:
      1. Acknowledgement of UB Baker
      2. Requested that the Membership Committee to have presence at Lion Bash on September 9 from 5pm- 8:00pm.
    2. Vice President: No report
    3. Secretary: No Report
    4. Treasurer:
      1. Requested permission to share financial statements and revised budget to membership via newsletter. Will submit summary report and budget to Lauren for Newsletter.
      2. United Way Update of distribution of $596.98.
    5. Public Relations:
      1. Written Report from Lauren. All August Newsletter inputs due by Friday, August 13th
    6. Past President:
      1. Special Project of Past Presidents includes the Signage at University Park Airport. 3 dots will share press release to their media contacts.
    7. PSU Global Programs: No Report
  1. Reports of Standing Committees:
    1. Cultural Luncheons Committee (Chair: Shannon):
      1. Cultural Luncheons Committee have worked on membership picnic menu and arrangements. Menu includes: Garden fresh tomatoes, farm roasted corn and homemade ranch dressing; Local delicious cucumbers, red onion, herb vinaigrette; Real deal big Mama’s potato salad; ‘Pucker me up’ lemon cabbage slaw; Homemade bread and butter pickles; Soft picnic rolls, sweet cream butter; Country fried buttermilk chicken; “Welcome” Sign Sheet Cake (Airport Welcome Sign Replica); Take home ‘Welcome to the Community’ Apple Pie compliments of Gemelli Bakers!
      2. Budget Estimate: Afternoon Dinner: $6.75/per person   Cake: $45
        1. Does Not Include Paper Products (Napkins) & Plasticware (Utensils/Plates): $.65 per person Utensils; Disposable gloves & Masks; Sodas: $.50 per person (Ice Included) Tablecloths: $20 Decorations: $10
  • Estimated Total Expense for Picnic – $750


  1. Finance/Audit Committee (Chair: Bruce)
    1. No additional information to report


  1. Membership Committee (Chair: Daniel)
    1. Current 69 members
    2. Will focus on Lion Bash prep and assisting with upcoming Membership Picnic


  1. Nominating Committee (Chair: Melanie)
    1. No updates currently. Request appointment of 2 additional members. President, Vice President, Public Relations Officer, Secretary.


  1. Program of Activities Committee (Chair: Kieran)
    1. Digital Education Subcommittee – Melanie
      1. No July Meeting
      2. For August, Easterly Parkway PTO partnership to organize “back to school” Keystone culture for Monday, August 16th at 7pm. Panel will include a 2nd grade teacher and a parent who is a special education aid from Middle School. Will review best practices of getting your student in school.
      3. Still seeking a September Speaker for Global Conversations


  1. Unfinished Business
  • NA


  1. New Business
    1. Conversation for Revenue Generation and Member Engagement
      1. Postponed to next regularly scheduled meeting.
  1. Conversations on Communications Planning
    1. Request for “Push List” and Marketing Communications Plan.
    2. Postponed to next regularly scheduled meeting.
  1. Adjournment
  • The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Requested Action Items:

  1. Review website for updates (ex. Officers list) [Bob]
  2. Create a memorial for newsletter on U.B. Baker [Bob]
  3. Register Global Connections for an Engagement Station with Lion Bash [Shannon]
  4. Reach out to Membership Committee for Lion Bash Plan [Daniel]
    1. Three goals: Engaging Activity, take-away (Post Cards), Membership Sign Up
  5. Create a Treasurers Report for the next Newsletter [Bruce]
  6. Share Press release developed for new sign at University Park Airport [Bruce]
  7. Create an “RSVP” process via Wild Apricot for Membership Picnic and include in Newsletter [Lauren]
  8. Seek out Cultural Luncheon Members (N=20) to assist with serving picnic as well as different volunteers to help with set up and finally clean up. [Shannon]
  9. Seek out Program of Activities volunteers to ensure that there are games/activities at Membership [Kieran]
  10. Seek out Membership Committee Volunteers to have name tags and membership sign up [Daniel]
  11. Create language of invitation to Membership Picnic for Newsletter to Lauren [Bob]

Upcoming Events:

  • Friday, August 13th – Deadline for submissions to August Global Connections Newsletters.
  • Monday, August 16th, 7pm – Keystone Culture Digital Education Series – Back to School!
  • Thursday, September 9th, 5pm-8pm – LION BASH
  • Sunday, September 19th, 5pm-7pm – Global Connections Welcome Back Picnic
    • RSVP Deadline – Friday, September 10th, 5pm