August 14, 2024, Global Connections (GC) Executive Committee (EC) Meeting Minutes
Members in Attendance:
Voting members: Bruce Truitt, Debbie Leo, Sunny Jiang, Shannon Holliday, Marco Damasceno,
Non-voting members: Bob Persiko, Wenjie Fu, Rose Sharp (following their formal appointment, Bob and Rose were granted voting rights)
Call to order at 7:11PM.
July meeting minutes were accepted as submitted.
Appointment of Officers
The Executive Committee voted unanimously to appoint the following people to officer positions ad interim for the remainder of the calendar year:
Bob Persiko, president
Ciara Halloran, vice president
Rose Sharp, public relations
Reports of officers:
President, Bob Persiko
- Bob thanked the committee members for their vote of confidence in him. He said that in the long run it is important for GC to develop new leadership, so we should continue to encourage people to volunteer for the leadership team.
- Bob told the members that a year ago he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s syndrome and that he is in the early stages of the disease. He hopes that the development will be slow and said he will continue to work and volunteer as long as he is able.
- Bob said we should have a goal to hold a cultural event (meal) this fall to revitalize this traditional GC activity. He asked the members to help Shannon identify people willing to cook a meal representative of their culture.
Treasurer, Bruce Truitt
- Bruce proposed dedicating an EC meeting to reviewing and discussing the proposed revisions to the bylaws and other procedural rules. The committee agreed to make this the principal topic of the September 11 EC meeting. Bruce will circulate the documents to the members for review.
- Bruce said the EC needed to vote on the disposition of the $1116 in annual distributions from the English Literacy Program fund being managed by the Centre Foundation. Bob proposed the following motion: (1) Use the $1800+ received from the Centre Gives campaign to fund 4 scholarships per semester (8 in total) for ESL classes for immigrants at the MidState Literacy Council under the GC English Literacy Program; (2) supplement whatever additional amount is needed for the 8 scholarships from the GC general operating funds; and (3) have the Centre Foundation leave the $1116 in the Literacy Program fund until such time as it is needed. Shannon seconded the motion. The vote to approve as unanimous.
- Giving Circle – The members authorized Bruce to complete the application for funding through the Giving Circle.
Public Relations – Marco
Bob welcomed Marco back from Brazil, thanked him for his outstanding service to GC, wished him well with his graduate studies, and thanked him for his willingness to train Rose. Marco said he will be nearby whenever we need him. He and Rose will get together next week. They will also put together the August newsletter, which will include a spotlight on Rose.
Membership Chair, Sunny
The members thanked Sunny for all she did to help Jan Jaekel, the German Visiting Scholar, secure an apartment for his two-month stay in State College. Bob noted that this may be a new service GC can provide, and he is putting together a list of possible resources for housing needs. Sunny said she will participate in the October 27 UN Day dinner, where GC will have a table with promotional materials. Bob said he will take an inventory of materials in his possession. Bruce offered to make additional copies of the “postcard.” Shannon also plans to participate. Bob said he would forward the email with the details to Sunny and Shannon.
Cultural Events – Shannon
Shannon still hopes to have a Scottish theme event this year.
Small Groups – Debbie Leo
Deb reported on the status of small groups during the summer break. She noted that Bob’s discussion group
Penn State Global – Wenjie Fu
- Conversation Partners Program is looking for Native English-speaking volunteers. (Big thanks for Sunny for connecting Wenjie with Juniper Community @State College. Wenjie is working on providing further information for their members).
- Conversation Partners Program will provide 2 in-person free events in the Fall semester:
- Ice Cream Socialon Sunday, September 8th at Penn State Creamery from 2 – 4 pm.
- Movie Timeon Sunday, November 18th at Business Building Room 110 from 2 – 4 pm.
- Our office is recruiting volunteers for the 2025 Spring tax workshops. Please refer any questions to Wenjie Fu (
- Community Engagement Programs and Penn State OLLI are hosting 3rd International Day Social this fall on Thursday, November 14th, from 1:30 – 3 pm at Innovation Park. Any international individuals who are interested in representing their home cultures are welcome to connect to Wenjie for further information.
- CEP is tabling events in August (Fall Involvement Fair, LION Bash, School of International Affairs Resource Fair).
- United Nations Day Celebration event (Norma Keller: 814-327-9247;
New Business
- Bob proposed sponsoring the annual catered fall general membership picnic and the members concurred. Bob will ask Ciara if she would be willing to organize the event, as she did last year.
Action Items
- Everyone will think of and suggest names of individuals who might be willing to prepare a cultural event/meal to Shannon.
- Bruce will circulate revised bylaws for review.
- Bruce will correspond with the Centre Foundation on the disposition of various funds for the Literacy Program.
- Bruce will prepare an application for the Giving Circle.
- Marco will train Rose.
- Bob will forward the email with details on the UN Day dinner to Sunny and Shannonn.
- Bob will write an item on the appointment of officers to include in the August newsletter.
- Bob will ask Ciara about organizing the fall picnic.
- Shannon will follow up on the Scottish theme event.
Shannon mentioned the Community Diversity Group potluck on August 15 and said everyone is invited. She followed up with an email giving the details.
Meeting adjournment: 8:10 PM
Minutes prepared by Bob Persiko