September 14, 2021: Executive Committee Meeting

 September Executive Committee Meeting; September 14, 2021

  1. Call to Order and Welcome

The committee meeting of Global Connections Executive Committee was called to order at 7:06pm by President Bob Persiko. A quorum was noted as present with 5 members in attendance. Secretary Sarah Knorr recorded minutes.

  • Members present:
    Melanie Miller Foster–Past President, Kieran Holland–Vice President , President Bob Persiko–President, Daniel Foster–Membership Committee Chair, Sarah Knorr–Secretary, Sabrina Lima–Public Relations, Wenjie Fu–Global Connections Representative
  • Members Absent:
    Bruce Truitt–Treasurer, Shannon Holliday–Cultural Luncheon Chair
  1. Reading and Approval of Minutes

The minutes were accepted as presented with no corrections.

  1. Reports of Officers
    1. President:
  1. Meeting with Executive Committee members on monthly basis
  2. 50 Global Connections t-shirts sold at Webster’s to date
    1. Vice President:
  1. Nothing to report: meeting with Bob once a month
    1. Secretary:
  1. Adding Executive Committee (EC) meeting minutes to website
    1. Will be posted on Wild Apricot for members to view
    1. Treasurer:
  1. Not present
    1. Public Relations:
  1. No report
    1. Past President:
  1. Provided update on the Past President’s legacy project: Airport Sign
    1. PSU Global Programs: Bob communicated updates from Wenjie
  1. Conversation Partners looking for American volunteers
  2. Bob to forward information to me
    1. Parliamentarian
  1. Officer elections will be in November
  2. Membership will be notified of changes/additions related to: amendments, nominating committee, bylaws


  1. Reports of Standing Committees:
    1. Cultural Luncheons Committee (Chair: Shannon):
  1. Not present


    1. Finance/Audit Committee (Chair: Bruce)
  1. Not present


    1. Membership Committee (Chair: Daniel)
  1. Membership Committee is meeting on monthly basis
  2. LionBASH event review
    1. 32 people were invited to join Global Connections
  • Currently have 70 due paying members


    1. Nominating Committee (Chair: Melanie)
  1. President appointed 2 additional members to be on Nominating Committee
  2. Members interested in running for Officer positions will be able to sign up in September newsletter; October newsletter to include Ballot
  • Officer positions available: President, Vice President, Secretary, Public Relations


    1. Program of Activities Committee (Chair: Kieran)
  1. Possible future Global Connections events:
    1. Art event at the Makery
    2. International Poetry Evening
    3. Digital Education series
    4. Hospitality Idea-match local community to host and international residents
    5. Eating at local restaurants
      1. To be included as a Call to Action in newsletter
    6. Digital Education Subcommittee – Melanie
      1. Currently on hold
      2. Will be added to Program of Activities general committee


  1. Unfinished Business
  1. Picnic activities and planning


  1. New Business: **Following are postponed for October meeting**
    1. Conversation for Revenue Generation and Member Engagement
  1. Postponed to next regularly scheduled meeting.


    1. Conversations on Communications Planning
  1. Request for “Push List” and Marketing Communications Plan
  2. Postponed to next regularly scheduled meeting


  1. Adjournment
  • The meeting was adjourned at 7:57m

Requested Action Items-continued from August newsletter:

  1. Review website for updates (ex. Officers list) [Bob]
  2. Create a memorial for newsletter on U.B. Baker [Bob]
  3. Register Global Connections for an Engagement Station with Lion Bash [Shannon]
  4. Reach out to Membership Committee for Lion Bash Plan [Daniel]
    1. Three goals: Engaging Activity, take-away (Post Cards), Membership Sign Up
  5. Create a Treasurers Report for the next Newsletter [Bruce]
  6. Share Press release developed for new sign at University Park Airport [Bruce]
  7. Create an “RSVP” process via Wild Apricot for Membership Picnic and include in Newsletter [Lauren]
  8. Seek out Cultural Luncheon Members (N=20) to assist with serving picnic as well as different volunteers to help with set up and finally clean up. [Shannon]
  9. Seek out Program of Activities volunteers to ensure that there are games/activities at Membership [Kieran]
  10. Seek out Membership Committee Volunteers to have name tags and membership sign up [Daniel]
  11. Create language of invitation to Membership Picnic for Newsletter to Lauren [Bob]


August 10, 2021: Executive Committee Meeting

 August Executive Committee Meeting; August 10, 2021

  1. Call to Order and Welcome

The committee meeting of Global Connections Executive Committee was called to order at 7:04pm by President Bob Persiko. A quorum was noted as present with 5 members in attendance. The President appointed Daniel Foster to keep minutes in the absence of Secretary Sarah Knorr.

  • Members present:
    Past President- Melanie Miller Foster, Treasurer – Bruce Truitt, Cultural Luncheon Chair – Shannon Holliday, President Bob Persiko, Membership Chair – Daniel


  • Members Absent:
    Lauren Newton (Public Relations), Kieran Holland, (Vice President) Sarah Knorr (Secretary), Wenjie Fu (Global Connections Rep)


  1. Reading and Approval of Minutes

The minutes were accepted as presented with no corrections.

  1. Reports of Officers
    1. President:
      1. Acknowledgement of UB Baker
      2. Requested that the Membership Committee to have presence at Lion Bash on September 9 from 5pm- 8:00pm.
    2. Vice President: No report
    3. Secretary: No Report
    4. Treasurer:
      1. Requested permission to share financial statements and revised budget to membership via newsletter. Will submit summary report and budget to Lauren for Newsletter.
      2. United Way Update of distribution of $596.98.
    5. Public Relations:
      1. Written Report from Lauren. All August Newsletter inputs due by Friday, August 13th
    6. Past President:
      1. Special Project of Past Presidents includes the Signage at University Park Airport. 3 dots will share press release to their media contacts.
    7. PSU Global Programs: No Report
  1. Reports of Standing Committees:
    1. Cultural Luncheons Committee (Chair: Shannon):
      1. Cultural Luncheons Committee have worked on membership picnic menu and arrangements. Menu includes: Garden fresh tomatoes, farm roasted corn and homemade ranch dressing; Local delicious cucumbers, red onion, herb vinaigrette; Real deal big Mama’s potato salad; ‘Pucker me up’ lemon cabbage slaw; Homemade bread and butter pickles; Soft picnic rolls, sweet cream butter; Country fried buttermilk chicken; “Welcome” Sign Sheet Cake (Airport Welcome Sign Replica); Take home ‘Welcome to the Community’ Apple Pie compliments of Gemelli Bakers!
      2. Budget Estimate: Afternoon Dinner: $6.75/per person   Cake: $45
        1. Does Not Include Paper Products (Napkins) & Plasticware (Utensils/Plates): $.65 per person Utensils; Disposable gloves & Masks; Sodas: $.50 per person (Ice Included) Tablecloths: $20 Decorations: $10
  • Estimated Total Expense for Picnic – $750


  1. Finance/Audit Committee (Chair: Bruce)
    1. No additional information to report


  1. Membership Committee (Chair: Daniel)
    1. Current 69 members
    2. Will focus on Lion Bash prep and assisting with upcoming Membership Picnic


  1. Nominating Committee (Chair: Melanie)
    1. No updates currently. Request appointment of 2 additional members. President, Vice President, Public Relations Officer, Secretary.


  1. Program of Activities Committee (Chair: Kieran)
    1. Digital Education Subcommittee – Melanie
      1. No July Meeting
      2. For August, Easterly Parkway PTO partnership to organize “back to school” Keystone culture for Monday, August 16th at 7pm. Panel will include a 2nd grade teacher and a parent who is a special education aid from Middle School. Will review best practices of getting your student in school.
      3. Still seeking a September Speaker for Global Conversations


  1. Unfinished Business
  • NA


  1. New Business
    1. Conversation for Revenue Generation and Member Engagement
      1. Postponed to next regularly scheduled meeting.
  1. Conversations on Communications Planning
    1. Request for “Push List” and Marketing Communications Plan.
    2. Postponed to next regularly scheduled meeting.
  1. Adjournment
  • The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Requested Action Items:

  1. Review website for updates (ex. Officers list) [Bob]
  2. Create a memorial for newsletter on U.B. Baker [Bob]
  3. Register Global Connections for an Engagement Station with Lion Bash [Shannon]
  4. Reach out to Membership Committee for Lion Bash Plan [Daniel]
    1. Three goals: Engaging Activity, take-away (Post Cards), Membership Sign Up
  5. Create a Treasurers Report for the next Newsletter [Bruce]
  6. Share Press release developed for new sign at University Park Airport [Bruce]
  7. Create an “RSVP” process via Wild Apricot for Membership Picnic and include in Newsletter [Lauren]
  8. Seek out Cultural Luncheon Members (N=20) to assist with serving picnic as well as different volunteers to help with set up and finally clean up. [Shannon]
  9. Seek out Program of Activities volunteers to ensure that there are games/activities at Membership [Kieran]
  10. Seek out Membership Committee Volunteers to have name tags and membership sign up [Daniel]
  11. Create language of invitation to Membership Picnic for Newsletter to Lauren [Bob]

Upcoming Events:

  • Friday, August 13th – Deadline for submissions to August Global Connections Newsletters.
  • Monday, August 16th, 7pm – Keystone Culture Digital Education Series – Back to School!
  • Thursday, September 9th, 5pm-8pm – LION BASH
  • Sunday, September 19th, 5pm-7pm – Global Connections Welcome Back Picnic
    • RSVP Deadline – Friday, September 10th, 5pm


June 8, 2021: Executive Committee Meeting

 Committee Meeting; June 8, 2021 7:06pm – 8:02pm

In attendance:

  • President: Bob Persiko
  • Vice president: Kieran Holland
  • Past President: Melanie Miller Foster
  • Membership Committee Chair: Daniel Foster
  • Public Relations: Lauren Newton
  • Shannon Holliday
  • Wenjie Fu


  • This meeting was held via virtual method (Zoom) due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic Topics of Discussion


1) Minutes of May meeting – action items

  1. a) May meeting minutes were approved
  2. b) Action items from May meeting were reviewed – (1) nothing new to report on collaboration with Asian student organizations; (2) Bruce and Daniel still need to resolve conflicting membership information.

2) President’s report

  1. a) Discussed picnic on June 12 – Designed for participants in the various GC groups, but others are welcome.
  2. b) Discussed summer schedule. EC will not meet in July. The English class and the discussion group also will not meet in July.

3) Global Programs – Wenjie

  1. a) Annual Tax Workshop wrapped up. It was virtual this year. 173 students from 31 countries.
  2. b) Conversation Partners – Looking for international participants to match with Americans.

4) Membership Committee – Daniel

  1. a) Global Connections currently has 67 individual members
  2. b) Membership Committee has not met in two months due to a lack of quorum. Hoping to have a June meeting to prep for August.

5) Treasurer/Finance Committee – Bruce (not present)

  1. A motion was made to continue utilizing the 2020 budget until September 15, 2021 by Daniel Foster. Unanimous approval. The finance committee can focus on proposing a budget for 2022.
  2. Treasurer to consider forming an ad hoc audit committee before the next general membership meeting.

6) Vice President – Kieran nothing to report

7) Public relations, website and social media – Lauren

Requesting newsletter information be sent to her by Friday


Unfinished business:

1)Update on the airport sign – Melanie

The airport sign has been designed. Susan is working on logistics on when it will go up.

2) Kieran made a motion that the finance committee explore applying to receive funds in 2022 from the  Centre Gives campaign. The motion was approved by a majority of the members present. Bruce to follow up.


New business:

None to report



  • Daniel noted the need to secure nominations for officer positions before November.
  • Daniel and Melanie expressed concern about the need to more actively engage the membership in committee work and program activities.
  • Daniel will propose a schedule to present the changes in the bylaws to the membership.

Adjournment: 8:02pm

May 11, 2021: Executive Committee Meeting

May Executive Committee Meeting; May 11, 2021 7:02-9:00pm

In attendance:
● President: Bob Persiko
● Vice President: Kiernan Holland
● Treasurer: Bruce Truitt
● Secretary: Sarah Knorr
● Past President: Melanie Miller Foster
● Membership Committee Chair: Daniel Foster
● Public Relations: Lauren Newton
● Cultural Luncheon: Shannon Holliday

● This meeting was held via virtual method (Zoom) due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic

Topics of Discussion
1) Minutes approved without objections, no corrections
a) Minutes to be filed on Global Connections Google Drive
2) Action Items from April
a) Bruce to explore investment options for checking account
i) Motion to transfer $25,000 from CD to alternate account to earn more interest
ii) Motion seconded
b) Bob and Kieran to communicate with collaboration with Asian student groups coordinator on how
Global Connections can be involved in conversation
i) Plan to follow up and continue to brainstorm ways to interact with Asian American student
c) Melanie to contact George re forwarding global connections PSU email to gmail email
i) Melanie and Bob will have access to Global Connections PSU email account
ii) Email cannot be forwarded to gmail account due to security reasons
iii) Global Connections website is not compatible with iphone browsers
iv) Plan to use gmail email on a consistent basis on accounts, website, social media accounts, etc
3) President’s report – Bob
a) Town & Gown interview will be published in June
b) Centre Gives – Should we apply to be a recipient next year?
i) Added to unfinished business
c) Should we have a target date for a return to (a) in-person membership meetings and (b) executive
committee meetings?
i) Plan to continue to explore options and adjust
d) How to develop one-on-one relationships
i) Brainstorm ways to promote regular engagement like a conversation partners program
4) Global Programs – Wenjie Fu not present
5) Membership Committee – Daniel Foster
a) Next membership committee meeting will be at end of May
b) Global Connections current membership is 61 members
6) Treasurer/Finance Committee – Bruce Truitt
a) Centre Foundation ROI Options
i) See above under action items
b) Attribution of dues payments
i) Daniel and Bruce to meet over conflicting information of membership information
7) Vice President – Kieran
a) Will be attending a virtual event in DC with Afghan embassy
8) Public relations, website and social media – Lauren
a) Send any newsletter information to Lauren by end of week

Unfinished business:
1) Budget for 2021
2) Update on the airport sign – Melanie
a) There will be a one sided sign, budget request $300 to finish sign
b) Motion to authorize $300 for one sided sign, seconded, unanimous vote
3) Digital Education programming update – Melanie
a) Event on May 17, will be taking break over summer
b) Next event features Pennsylvania Dutch culture
4) Centre Gives for next year

New business
1) Committee restructuring and bylaws changes – Daniel
a) Continuation of discussion of committee changes
i) Eliminate finance and audit committee
ii) Create 2 new committees: fundraising and development committee and audit committee
iii) Create public relations committee
iv) Create digital education standing committee: cultural conversation
v) Create small group/book club standing committee: discussion group, english classes
vi) Eliminate program of activities committee and create engagement and innovation committee
b) Plan to continue drafting changes and present to general membership (with 30 days notice) in future
i) Tentative date: August 2021


Action Items:
1) Bob and Kieran to communicate with collaboration with Asian student groups coordinator on how
Global Connections can be involved in conversation
Next meeting Tuesday, June 8th

April 13, 2021: Executive Committee Meeting

April Executive Committee Meeting; April 13, 2021 7:02-9:00pm

In attendance:
● President: Bob Persiko
● Treasurer: Bruce Truitt
● Past President: Melanie Miller Foster
● Membership Committee Chair: Daniel Foster
● Public Relations: Lauren Newton
● Secretary: Sarah Knorr

● This meeting was held via virtual method (Zoom) due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic
Topics of Discussion

1) Minutes of March meeting – action items
a) March meeting minutes were approved
b) Action items from March meeting were reviewed
2) President’s report
a) Borough will issue proclamation on Global Connections 60th anniversary
b) Plan to use proclamation for advertisement, announcements
c) Bruce connected with Town and Gown to highlight Global Connections, interview with Bob
3) Global Programs – Wenjie
a) Wenjie was not present
4) Membership Committee – Daniel
a) Global Connections currently has 62 members
b) Membership Committee is meeting monthly. There will be no March meeting due to no quorum
c) Membership Committee has divided into 3 sub committees with task of recruitment, retention
and onboarding
d) Next meeting will be Thursday, April 15th
5) Treasurer/Finance Committee – Bruce
a) Disclosure related to QuikBooks account deletion
6) Vice President – Kieran not present
7) Public relations, website and social media – Lauren
a) Requesting newsletter information be sent to her by Friday, April 16
b) Global Connections can now post events on with approval
c) Volunteer match website: can post any GC volunteer options; however this would require
specific job description
d) Plan to eliminate volunteer match website

Unfinished business:
1) Budget for 2021
2) Update on the airport sign – Melanie
a) The airport sign can be displayed on two sides of soffit will include a key for language
identification and personal connection to State College
b) Melanie plans to get quote for 2 sided sign
3) Digital Education programming update – Melanie
a) Group has subcommittee Tuesday, April 20th at 5pm
b) Group will feature program on Monday, April 19th sharing types of agricultural produce grow in
Pennsylvania during the summer months
New business:
1) Collaboration with Asian student groups
a) Discussion and conversation groups of violence against Asian Americans
b) Local affinity group seeking active local organizations to reach out to incoming international
students and to provide a Town and Gown network
Committee restructuring and bylaws changes – Daniel
1) Remove past president as elected office
a) Past President no longer an elected office
b) Past President will serve on Executive Committee as an ex-officio member; however, will be
invited to meetings, will not affect quorum, but can vote at meetings; about 3 year window
c) Changes approved by Executive Committee
2) Remove all officers as automatic Chairman of any standing committee
a) Vice president, Treasurer, Past President removed as standing committee chairs
b) Elected officer will not be mandated to be standing committee chairs
c) This change does not preclude officers from being standing committee chairs
3) Change composition of Executive Committee to reflect other changes
4) Plan continue discussion at next EC meeting on May 11th
Action Item
1) Bruce to explore investment options for checking account
2) Bob and Kieran to communicate with collaboration with Asian student groups coordinator on how
Global Connections can be involved in conversation
3) Melanie to contact George re forwarding global connections PSU email to gmail email
Adjournment: 9:00pm