2022 Multicultural Unity Fair

Meet friends and neighbors at LION Bash
Join us for LION (Living In One Neighborhood) Bash on September 8th, from 5pm to 8pm, for the annual block party that strives to create a community for both long-term and short-term residents in the Borough of State College. This event provides an educational opportunity for new and returning Penn State students along with current Borough residents. There will be food, music, and fun for residents of all ages.
Everyone is welcome and everyone plays a role in engaging, welcoming, recruiting members to our organization! Stop by our table, and volunteer if you can, to meet some old friends and new during LION Bash ( on Allen Street in State College).
Global Connections volunteers are needed to help staff our GC Welcome table. Sign up for a 1-1/2 hour timeslot by signing up here: https://signup.com/go/
Or by emailing Rita at [email protected]
Summer Welcome Back Hawaiian Luau Family Picnic
Our next in-person meeting is just around the corner. You are our special guest for the Global Connections Summer Welcome Back Hawaiian Luau Family Picnic. The celebration will happen at Tudek Park, from 5 pm to 7 pm, on Sunday, September 18th. The Luau is free to all GC members. The registration link will be sent to your emails soon. Non-members are also welcome. They will pay $10 for the annual membership.
You will meet other GC members and find Hawaiin decorations throughout the pavilion and table settings. Festive colors will prevail… Remember the school classes are back but it’s still Summer!!!!
The Luau is a celebration of an individual. A celebration of family. It celebrates the culture and its connections to the community.
– Huli- Huli Teriyaki Grilled Chicken with brown sugar soy glaze
– Kalua Roasted Pulled Pork slow roasted under banana leaves
– Lomi Lomi Cured Salmon cured and served with cucumber and tomato
– Grilled Pineapple Rice
– Sweet Bread Rolls
– Luau Cake with Coconut, Pineapple, Walnuts, Rum Glaze
We look forward to seeing you there!
Global Connections International Women’s Book Group returns to in person meetings

We welcome new members to join GC International Women’s Book Group. The meetings this fall will be in-person. We look forward to making new friends and engaging in lively discussions!
The group members are active participants in discussions and in book selections. We read a wide variety of books appropriate for intermediate/advanced English readers. The books promote discussion and make for some lively interaction. While exchanging our views, members have the opportunity to practice their English speaking skills in a relaxed environment in which all opinions are valued.
Global Connections also offers a beginner’s level book group. If you enjoy reading and a good discussion, and you are interested in improving your English speaking skills join us. Email Susan at [email protected] or contact Global Connections at [email protected]