April 13, 2022: Global Connections Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2022, Global Connections Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Members in Attendance:
Bob Persiko, Kieran T. Holland, Shannon Holliday, Sabrina Lima, Rita Graef, Bruce Truitt
Call to order at 7:03 PM. March minutes were approved with no correction.
Reports of officers:
President – Bob praised the success of the poetry event, and the close collaboration GC has with Webster’s Bookstore Café. He expressed satisfaction with planning for upcoming in-person events that mark our return to “normal.” He mentioned that the newsletter for this month will reflect how active our members are in contributing to the organization’s mission.
Vice President – no report.
Parliamentarian – absent.
Treasurer – Bruce reported that all major bills have been paid, including the annual liability insurance premium. There are $4,178 in our checking account and $30,000+ in the money market account.
Bruce said the EC needed to make a decision on whether to take the $1905 return on the Centre Foundation investment or have it reinvested. When asked, Bruce suggested that the organization could use the money since GC has relatively few revenue-generating activities. Kieran moved that GC take the distribution; Shannon seconded the motion. Approved unanimously.
Past president – absent
Secretary – absent
Public relations, website, and social media – Sabrina noted the activation of an Instagram account. Bruce suggested that in the future the EC should approve any new account. He noted how many accounts opened over the years he has recently closed that were no longer active. Bob thanked Bruce for handling that time-consuming task.
Penn State Global – Wenjie Fu was absent.
Reports from the standing committees:
Cultural luncheons Committee – Shannon and Kieran shared details of planning for a cultural luncheon on a Brazilian theme on May 5 at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. They hope for a minimum of 30 attendees. Brazilian Munchies will be the caterer. In the ensuing discussion the following was approved:
- $100 donation to St. Andrew’s for the use of the facility to be taken from the admission fee. (Shannon made the motion, Bruce seconded; unanimous approval.) The church could become the new regular venue for cultural luncheons.
- $18 admission fee to cover $12 per meal cost (caterer), donation to the church, water bottles, and paper/plastic ware
- Registration for the event will be handled through Wild Apricots.
- The event is an occasion to recruit new members.
- Advertising through our normal channels. The timing is probably too late for ads in the press.
- Someone will be recruited to give a brief cultural presentation on Brazil.
- Bruce will provide live musical entertainment.
Bob expressed hope that in the future we can return to our previous model for cultural luncheons wherein an international member and the CL committee prepare and serve the meal for a larger audience. Shannon noted her success in recruiting members to volunteer for set up, serving, and clean up. An active committee can work out event details for future luncheons without the EC needing to debate and decide them.
Membership Committee – Rita had to leave prior to this point in the meeting.
Program of activities committee (Kieran)- no report
Unfinished business:
Planning for the April 21 general membership meeting:
- Kieran will do the administration of the Zoom meeting.
- Bob will give introductory remarks
- Daniel will lead the discussion on the bylaws amendments
- Bruce will give a brief financial report
- Japanese member Kiyomi Masamune will speak for 10 minutes on her experience with cultural adjustment to our area, followed by Q and A.
Action: Bob will prepare an agenda to distribute to the membership.
Centre Gives – Kieran offered to craft a marketing plan with Sabrina. (action item)
New Business
Spikes game – Bruce said that the Spikes baseball team management is marketing opportunities for groups like ours to attend a game as an event. The EC members agreed that this is worth pursuing and then seeing if a sufficient number of GC members are interested. Bob said he thought that a minimum of 20 is needed to get a $1 discount on the usual $13 admission charge. Bruce to follow up. (action item)
Non-member contact list – The members agreed that having such a list would enable us to track people who attend events who are not members in the interest of expanding community outreach and recruitment. Perhaps this is something the membership committee could work on.
Meeting adjournment: 8:05