April 13, 2021: Executive Committee Meeting
April Executive Committee Meeting; April 13, 2021 7:02-9:00pm
In attendance:
● President: Bob Persiko
● Treasurer: Bruce Truitt
● Past President: Melanie Miller Foster
● Membership Committee Chair: Daniel Foster
● Public Relations: Lauren Newton
● Secretary: Sarah Knorr
● This meeting was held via virtual method (Zoom) due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic
Topics of Discussion
1) Minutes of March meeting – action items
a) March meeting minutes were approved
b) Action items from March meeting were reviewed
2) President’s report
a) Borough will issue proclamation on Global Connections 60th anniversary
b) Plan to use proclamation for advertisement, announcements
c) Bruce connected with Town and Gown to highlight Global Connections, interview with Bob
3) Global Programs – Wenjie
a) Wenjie was not present
4) Membership Committee – Daniel
a) Global Connections currently has 62 members
b) Membership Committee is meeting monthly. There will be no March meeting due to no quorum
c) Membership Committee has divided into 3 sub committees with task of recruitment, retention
and onboarding
d) Next meeting will be Thursday, April 15th
5) Treasurer/Finance Committee – Bruce
a) Disclosure related to QuikBooks account deletion
6) Vice President – Kieran not present
7) Public relations, website and social media – Lauren
a) Requesting newsletter information be sent to her by Friday, April 16
b) Global Connections can now post events on statecollege.com with approval
c) Volunteer match website: can post any GC volunteer options; however this would require
specific job description
d) Plan to eliminate volunteer match website
Unfinished business:
1) Budget for 2021
2) Update on the airport sign – Melanie
a) The airport sign can be displayed on two sides of soffit will include a key for language
identification and personal connection to State College
b) Melanie plans to get quote for 2 sided sign
3) Digital Education programming update – Melanie
a) Group has subcommittee Tuesday, April 20th at 5pm
b) Group will feature program on Monday, April 19th sharing types of agricultural produce grow in
Pennsylvania during the summer months
New business:
1) Collaboration with Asian student groups
a) Discussion and conversation groups of violence against Asian Americans
b) Local affinity group seeking active local organizations to reach out to incoming international
students and to provide a Town and Gown network
Committee restructuring and bylaws changes – Daniel
1) Remove past president as elected office
a) Past President no longer an elected office
b) Past President will serve on Executive Committee as an ex-officio member; however, will be
invited to meetings, will not affect quorum, but can vote at meetings; about 3 year window
c) Changes approved by Executive Committee
2) Remove all officers as automatic Chairman of any standing committee
a) Vice president, Treasurer, Past President removed as standing committee chairs
b) Elected officer will not be mandated to be standing committee chairs
c) This change does not preclude officers from being standing committee chairs
3) Change composition of Executive Committee to reflect other changes
4) Plan continue discussion at next EC meeting on May 11th
Action Item
1) Bruce to explore investment options for checking account
2) Bob and Kieran to communicate with collaboration with Asian student groups coordinator on how
Global Connections can be involved in conversation
3) Melanie to contact George re forwarding global connections PSU email to gmail email
Adjournment: 9:00pm