June 8, 2021: Executive Committee Meeting
Committee Meeting; June 8, 2021 7:06pm – 8:02pm
In attendance:
- President: Bob Persiko
- Vice president: Kieran Holland
- Past President: Melanie Miller Foster
- Membership Committee Chair: Daniel Foster
- Public Relations: Lauren Newton
- Shannon Holliday
- Wenjie Fu
- This meeting was held via virtual method (Zoom) due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic Topics of Discussion
1) Minutes of May meeting – action items
- a) May meeting minutes were approved
- b) Action items from May meeting were reviewed – (1) nothing new to report on collaboration with Asian student organizations; (2) Bruce and Daniel still need to resolve conflicting membership information.
2) President’s report
- a) Discussed picnic on June 12 – Designed for participants in the various GC groups, but others are welcome.
- b) Discussed summer schedule. EC will not meet in July. The English class and the discussion group also will not meet in July.
3) Global Programs – Wenjie
- a) Annual Tax Workshop wrapped up. It was virtual this year. 173 students from 31 countries.
- b) Conversation Partners – Looking for international participants to match with Americans.
4) Membership Committee – Daniel
- a) Global Connections currently has 67 individual members
- b) Membership Committee has not met in two months due to a lack of quorum. Hoping to have a June meeting to prep for August.
5) Treasurer/Finance Committee – Bruce (not present)
- A motion was made to continue utilizing the 2020 budget until September 15, 2021 by Daniel Foster. Unanimous approval. The finance committee can focus on proposing a budget for 2022.
- Treasurer to consider forming an ad hoc audit committee before the next general membership meeting.
6) Vice President – Kieran nothing to report
7) Public relations, website and social media – Lauren
Requesting newsletter information be sent to her by Friday
Unfinished business:
1)Update on the airport sign – Melanie
The airport sign has been designed. Susan is working on logistics on when it will go up.
2) Kieran made a motion that the finance committee explore applying to receive funds in 2022 from the Centre Gives campaign. The motion was approved by a majority of the members present. Bruce to follow up.
New business:
None to report
- Daniel noted the need to secure nominations for officer positions before November.
- Daniel and Melanie expressed concern about the need to more actively engage the membership in committee work and program activities.
- Daniel will propose a schedule to present the changes in the bylaws to the membership.
Adjournment: 8:02pm