October 13, 2020: Executive Committee Meeting
October Executive Committee Meeting; October 13, 2020, 5:00-5:48pm
In attendance:
- President: Melanie Miller-Foster
- Vice President: Bob Persiko
- Treasurer: Bruce Truitt
- Membership Committee Chair: Daniel Foster
- PR Officer: UB Bakker
- Secretary: Sarah Knorr
- Book Group Chair: Susan Steinberg
- Cultural Luncheon Committee Chair: Shannon Holliday; Anthony Sapia
- This meeting was held via virtual method (Zoom) due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic
Topics of Discussion
Agenda Items:
- Wild Apricot (membership software)
- Future software for payments, fundraising, membership renewal
- Donations portal setup
- Members only website possibility
- Upcoming election
- Via electronic platform (electionrunner.com)
- Form will be open entire first week of November; close on November 8th
- Candidates for President, PR and VP
- Each candidate will submit personalized mission of 1 sentence
- Standing rules (see the revised document that Daniel sent around last night)
- Document different from bylaws; guide to discuss what the organization does, can be suspended or changed
- Motion to adopt standing rules; motion passed, none opposed, and Standing Rules approved
- Standing Rules will be published publically post Bruce modifications
Regarding associate memberships/business memberships: waiting for November drive
Future endeavors:
- Form committee for Revision of Bylaws
- Role of Past President in role of EC