Volunteer opportunities: Global Programs Annual Tax Workshop
The tax season is approaching, and Penn State Global Programs office is looking for volunteers to help with the information sessions in March and April. Volunteers would be assisting Penn State international students/scholars through the Annual Tax Workshop. Specific volunteer opportunities include: information presenters on basic tax knowledge, greeters/receptionists, and general volunteers (set up of workshop, copying papers, assisting as needed). Language assistant volunteers are also welcome to help with confusing tax terminology and filing processes.
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Wenjie Fu at [email protected]
Community Resource: Mid-State Literacy Council
Community members interested in ESL and related resources may be interested in attending this event to learn more about the resources available through Mid-State Literacy Council:
Join us for International Poetry Night
January Session of Global Connections
Please join us as we work together to plan the activities of Global Connections for the coming year!
We will begin working at 6:30 pm on January 8 in St Andrew’s Canterbury Hall. No business meeting will be held – the entire evening will be devoted to small groups discussion and putting together a program of activities for the upcoming year.
Your voice is important! As a volunteer-based organization, we can only provide activities that members are willing to plan. Even if you haven’t had a chance to join a committee previously, please join us to become involved in the vital work of our organization.
December Meeting
Please note that our regular monthly meeting in December is not on the first Wednesday of the month as usual, but the SECOND Wednesday. We hope that you can join us!
This month the special program will include hearing from three Cuban lawyers who are visiting State College. Please join us for this special presentation.
We will also have our regular committee and business meetings. We are not a religious organization, but we have our meetings in Canterbury Hall of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. All are welcome to join!