Women’s History Month

From now on, it is easier to make donations to help Global Connections keep their good work. Thanks to the new Centre Foundation Fund Advisor Portal, anyone can make a donation directly into the Global Connections Fund at the Centre Foundation at any time. Each dollar donated to Global Connections is used to strengthen the cultural fabric of our diverse community through partnerships, service, education, and advocacy. This is accomplished by extending assistance to internationals and offering programs and events that enable intercultural learning and sharing for both internationals and local residents. Please donate through the following link: Centre Gives or in the QR code in the image. |
We are pleased to share with you a resource list on Google Docs that we have compiled for those interested in English language learning. The list includes various helpful resources and contacts that we believe will be useful for learners of all levels.
Please find below the link to access the resource list: https://rb.gy/zzlj1a or scan the QR code in the picture.
Global Connections will be holding an International Poetry Night at Webster’s Bookstore Café. Everyone is welcome to step up and to share a favorite poem from a favorite poet in their own language and its English translation, or to share one of their own poems. Are you a poet? We’d love to hear which poets inspired you. But, if you prefer only to listen to others recite, you are also welcome to attend this inspiring event and enjoy a cultural night.
Here is the link to register for the event: https://globalconnections.wildapricot.org/event-5162387
If someone wants to be a presenter at the event, please also register here: Registration for PRESENTERS
We in Global Connections want to express our solidarity with the people of Türkiye and Syria affected by the terrible earthquakes that have caused an unimaginable loss of lives and suffering, along with widespread destruction. We encourage all who can to make a contribution to rescue and recovery services. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to members of our community who have relatives and friends in the region.
The Global Connections (GC) discussion group members decided that it would be great to have an in-person session once a month. Their first in person meeting happened on December 20th. It was a joyful celebration. The GC president, Bob Persiko, submited a request for a room at the Municipal Building for the last Tuesday of the months of January through April. On Tuesday, Jan 24th, they met in person in room 241. It was an informal moment when the group could share thoughts and writings.